You are doing a great job Guiding people thru yr wisdom and intelligence
Aparna Anand You are doing a great job Guiding people thru yr wisdom and intelligence You have seen hard times and its so true that hard times only reveal the…
Aparna Anand You are doing a great job Guiding people thru yr wisdom and intelligence You have seen hard times and its so true that hard times only reveal the…
Anonymous As your prediction are true regarding Chaitanya..he did very well in board exams..10th he got 90%&in 12th he go admission in VIT through entrance exam
[7:20 PM, 4/28/2018] Gaurav G Porrwal: Sir two years back u told me that there chances for u to go to foreign country after march 2018 You were absolutely correct…
Vasudha Sharma: Vedant ji, this video is really inspiring Vasudha Sharma: I downloaded it.
Rajesh Parchani You can make any dead person alive with this video... The best part is converting Pain into Power... #keep_motivating people
Vedant Birwadkar commented on your video अच्छे लोग क्यों सफल नहीं हो पाते (5 reasons) 2018 Vedant Birwadkar Sir app best ho !! You made me wake up
Vasudha SharmaVasudha Sharma: Very motivating video, Vedant ji. I really like your 20/20/20 formula. I will try to do to achieve my health back. Veenu: Just watched.. Amazing video...i will…
[4:14 PM, 4/12/2018] Aajit S Punesar Mumbai: Vedant Ji good evening [4:15 PM, 4/12/2018] Aajit S Punesar Mumbai: Just to update you that last month march... Was very good for…
Gurpreet kaur commented on your video क्या कहता है अप्रैल का महीना ? April Predictions By Best Astrologer Numerologist India VedantSharmaa Gurpreet kaur I really like the great work that…
Neelu Bagga to Vedant Sharmaa 6 mins · Jaipur · THANK YOU so much Vedant ji for the number you gave me for my back problem ...feeling a lot better…
Pursharth Sharma: Got promotion today , ur remedies are working
[2:25 PM, 2/21/2018] Eusebio: Wow [2:25 PM, 2/21/2018] Eusebio: Thanks vedant ur the best [2:26 PM, 2/21/2018] Eusebio: Appreciate your response time.....that's why you have many clients.
Meenaxi Draupadi Devi Dasi Lovely vedant mom wanted to heal the human woes you are going on her steps. I remember the last call made by her to you guys…
One guy consulted me from bangalore last month. he told me he is going to get married in march & date is fixed & all. he consulted for job problems.…
[8:47 PM, 2/13/2018] Farhath Sulthana Dubai: Hello sharmaji [8:47 PM, 2/13/2018] Farhath Sulthana Dubai: This sindoor is a really amazing product [8:48 PM, 2/13/2018] Farhath Sulthana Dubai: I cud feel…