Coconut Monkey costs 2000 rs. Energized Nariyal Monkey provides outstanding results for those who are

Coconut Monkey costs 2000 rs. Energized Nariyal Monkey provides outstanding results for those who are trapped with rahu dosh. Nariyal Monkey is also called as a powerful decorative tool for…

Continue ReadingCoconut Monkey costs 2000 rs. Energized Nariyal Monkey provides outstanding results for those who are

MIRZYA adds to unlucky no. 16 (7) of ketu it means warning of some strange fatality danger of accidents defeat of

MIRZYA adds to unlucky no. 16 (7) of ketu it means warning of some strange fatality danger of accidents defeat of one's plans.its a very fatal no. it may lead…

Continue ReadingMIRZYA adds to unlucky no. 16 (7) of ketu it means warning of some strange fatality danger of accidents defeat of

Jayalalithaa is no.6(February 24, 1948) running in her unlucky 67th(4) year.

Jayalalithaa is no.6(February 24, 1948) running in her unlucky 67th(4) year. 67 adds to 4 which is no. of rahu. rahu is very unpredictable & unfortunate planet. Jayalalitha slapped with…

Continue ReadingJayalalithaa is no.6(February 24, 1948) running in her unlucky 67th(4) year.