What is Numerology and WHY is it so important for my life? Numerology has two definitions.

What is Numerology and WHY is it so important for my life?  Numerology has two definitions. The first is one you may have already heard: “Numerology is the study of…

Continue ReadingWhat is Numerology and WHY is it so important for my life? Numerology has two definitions.

Vedant Sharma is one of the best Numerologists of our country. He has been widely acclaimed for his services in the field of Numerology

Vedant Sharma is one of the best Numerologists of our country. He has been widely acclaimed for his services in the field of Numerology. His clientele base is spread across…

Continue ReadingVedant Sharma is one of the best Numerologists of our country. He has been widely acclaimed for his services in the field of Numerology

My Dad Guruji Gobind Sharma Coming To Delhi From Sunday 3rd aug to Tuesday 5th aug

My Dad Guruji Gobind Sharma Coming To Delhi From Sunday 3rd aug to Tuesday 5th aug.Will be staying at hotel gautam residency at GK 1 block E 54.Interested people can…

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Looks like they r following numerology PK is releasing on 19 dec which adds to 1. PK adds to 10 which adds to 1. Today first poster of movie was also released on 1st aug.

Looks like they r following numerology PK is releasing on 19 dec which adds to 1. PK adds to 10 which adds to 1. Today first poster of movie was…

Continue ReadingLooks like they r following numerology PK is releasing on 19 dec which adds to 1. PK adds to 10 which adds to 1. Today first poster of movie was also released on 1st aug.

NUMBER – 8 ….No 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn, born on 8 17 26 also born on 21 st December to 26th January, 26th jan to feb26th

NUMBER – 8  No 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn, born on 8 17 26 also born on 21 st December to 26th January, 26th jan to feb26th…

Continue ReadingNUMBER – 8 ….No 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn, born on 8 17 26 also born on 21 st December to 26th January, 26th jan to feb26th

Got Call From President House Client Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president.

Got Call From President House Client Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president. He said the way u predicted about my son's marriage its happening like that only. The…

Continue ReadingGot Call From President House Client Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president.

For people born on 4 & 8 (4,13,22,31,8,17,26) in numerology every no. is good for itself except 4 & 8

For people born on 4 & 8 (4,13,22,31,8,17,26) in numerology every no. is good for itself except 4 & 8 1 is good for 1  1 is sun 4 is…

Continue ReadingFor people born on 4 & 8 (4,13,22,31,8,17,26) in numerology every no. is good for itself except 4 & 8