Oscars 2016: Leonardo DiCaprio wins Best Actor for The Revenant Finally Leonardo DiCaprio wins oscar in his lucky 42nd(6) year

Oscars 2016: Leonardo DiCaprio wins Best Actor for The Revenant Finally Leonardo DiCaprio wins oscar in his lucky 42nd(6) year 42 adds to 6 which is venus planet of entertainment…

Continue ReadingOscars 2016: Leonardo DiCaprio wins Best Actor for The Revenant Finally Leonardo DiCaprio wins oscar in his lucky 42nd(6) year

One should in fact try to take a number 3 people as a partner in business, as his luck could rub off on other partners also.

One should in fact try to take a number 3 people as a partner in business, as his luck could rub off on other partners also.

Continue ReadingOne should in fact try to take a number 3 people as a partner in business, as his luck could rub off on other partners also.

Ujjain & Banaras both holy & ancient cities of India adds to 15. 15 adds to 6 of Venus which attract lot of tourism.

Ujjain & Banaras both holy & ancient cities of India adds to 15. 15 adds to 6 of Venus which attract lot of tourism. 15 in numerology means its a…

Continue ReadingUjjain & Banaras both holy & ancient cities of India adds to 15. 15 adds to 6 of Venus which attract lot of tourism.

‪#‎Aligarh‬ Movie Review & Numerology  Aligarh adds to 16 (7) very poor & weak no. of ketu

‪#‎Aligarh‬ Movie Review & Numerology  Aligarh adds to 16 (7) very poor & weak no. of ketu It means failure.its like ek taraf kuan ek taraf khaayi. Also release date is…

Continue Reading‪#‎Aligarh‬ Movie Review & Numerology  Aligarh adds to 16 (7) very poor & weak no. of ketu

Loveshhuda adds to 45 (9) mangal mars Its a romantic film & 9 is not a suitable vibration for romantic movies. 1 & 9 are enemy no.

Loveshhuda adds to 45 (9) mangal mars Its a romantic film & 9 is not a suitable vibration for romantic movies. 1 & 9 are enemy no. Release date is…

Continue ReadingLoveshhuda adds to 45 (9) mangal mars Its a romantic film & 9 is not a suitable vibration for romantic movies. 1 & 9 are enemy no.

Neerja adds to 19 (1) like Dabangg & Titanic & My nick name Robbin

Neerja adds to 19 (1) like Dabangg & Titanic & My nick name Robbin 19 is the most powerful no. of sun which denotes success Even release date is 19…

Continue ReadingNeerja adds to 19 (1) like Dabangg & Titanic & My nick name Robbin

About the Expert : Vedant Sharmaa is a well-known astrologer from Ujjain

About the Expert : Vedant Sharmaa is a well-known astrologer from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh with 10 years of experience in astrology, vastu and numerology. He started practicing jyotish activities from…

Continue ReadingAbout the Expert : Vedant Sharmaa is a well-known astrologer from Ujjain

‪#‎SanamRe‬ Movie Review & Numerology Sanam Re adds to 21 (3) good no. of jupiter

‪ #‎SanamRe‬ Movie Review & Numerology Sanam Re adds to 21 (3) good no. of jupiter Release date is also compatible with title 12 (3) feb. It will be moderate success…

Continue Reading‪#‎SanamRe‬ Movie Review & Numerology Sanam Re adds to 21 (3) good no. of jupiter

‪#‎Fitoor‬ Movie Review & Numerology Fitoor adds to weak no. of moon 29 (2) it means failure uncertainty & disappointments.

‪#‎Fitoor‬ Movie Review & Numerology Fitoor adds to weak no. of moon 29 (2) it means failure uncertainty & disappointments. Release date 12 (3) feb is also not compatible with title…

Continue Reading‪#‎Fitoor‬ Movie Review & Numerology Fitoor adds to weak no. of moon 29 (2) it means failure uncertainty & disappointments.

‪#‎Deadpool‬ Movie Review & Numerology

‪#‎Deadpool‬ Movie Review & Numerology Deadpool adds to 39 (3) good no. of jupiter which denotes success Release date is 12th (3) Feb. which is superbly compatible with title. Movie will…

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Nikhil Advani gave many flops in his career.Recent ones were Katti Batti & Hero

Nikhil Advani gave many flops in his career.Recent ones were Katti Batti & Hero.After that he changed his spellings according to numerology from Nikhil Advani (unlucky no. of saturn) to…

Continue ReadingNikhil Advani gave many flops in his career.Recent ones were Katti Batti & Hero