GURUJI’S BIRTHDAY POSTER//////////////////// — with Vedant Sharmaa, Mahor Rimanshu, Arvind K Soni, Vivek Sharma, Ashwiin Triivedi, Harry S Sethii, Sunil Sharma, Mannu Taker, Neetaa Kumar and Ajay Kumar

Continue ReadingGURUJI’S BIRTHDAY POSTER//////////////////// — with Vedant Sharmaa, Mahor Rimanshu, Arvind K Soni, Vivek Sharma, Ashwiin Triivedi, Harry S Sethii, Sunil Sharma, Mannu Taker, Neetaa Kumar and Ajay Kumar

Celebrating dad’s birthday on 31st dec. & also giving neerja nari chetna award on my mom’s name

  Celebrating dad's birthday on 31st dec. & also giving neerja nari chetna award on my mom's name.also giving awards to painters children with the name of my great grand…

Continue ReadingCelebrating dad’s birthday on 31st dec. & also giving neerja nari chetna award on my mom’s name

Today my photo with article is published in bharti axa life insurance magazine for my contribution to the company

  Today my photo with article is published in bharti axa life insurance magazine for my contribution to the company.I am their top financial advisor from more than 4 years.

Continue ReadingToday my photo with article is published in bharti axa life insurance magazine for my contribution to the company

Had awesome radio show at australia’s first digital hindi radio station apna digital sydney

  Had awesome radio show at australia's first digital hindi radio station apna digital sydney.answered some calls & queries.then I told about the best line of work for all numbers…

Continue ReadingHad awesome radio show at australia’s first digital hindi radio station apna digital sydney