My delhi trip was overwhelming. very nice & loving people. thanx for coming & meeting me
My delhi trip was overwhelming. very nice & loving people. thanx for coming & meeting me
My delhi trip was overwhelming. very nice & loving people. thanx for coming & meeting me
I am coming to delhi with dad from 22 to 24 jan staying in GK 1 at hotel gautam residency interested people can meet us 9425092415 and 9302230415
My Dad Guruji Gobind Sharma Coming To Delhi From Sunday 3rd aug to Tuesday 5th aug.Will be staying at hotel gautam residency at GK 1 block E 54.Interested people can…
Delhi trip was very good. Went to president house again. Pradyut Guha ADC to president his family & friends consulted me. Ex LG Tejinder Khanna & his family consulted me.…
Dad & me coming to delhi from monday morning to wed. evening 29th to 31st july.staying at same place hotel gautam residency GK 1.block E no. +91 no.…
My delhi trip was exceptional.Met president of India Pranab Mukherji at president house. Met abhinav bhattacharya ADC to the president of India. Met Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the…
I & My father guruji gobind sharma are coming to delhi from sunday morning 7th july to tuesday evening 9th july.will be staying in hotel gautam residency GK 1.interested people…
My delhi trip was awesome.had loads of fun. met many clients & friends. Lt. governor Tejinder Khanna invited me at governor house. we discussed his astrology numerology & spirituality.…