Jayalalithaa is no.6(February 24, 1948) running in her unlucky 67th(4) year.

Jayalalithaa is no.6(February 24, 1948) running in her unlucky 67th(4) year. 67 adds to 4 which is no. of rahu. rahu is very unpredictable & unfortunate planet. Jayalalitha slapped with…

Continue ReadingJayalalithaa is no.6(February 24, 1948) running in her unlucky 67th(4) year.

Warren Anderson was an american businessman who served as Chairman and CEO of the Union Carbide Corporation

Warren Anderson was an american businessman who served as Chairman and CEO of the Union Carbide Corporation at the time of the Bhopal disaster in 1984. Due to his greed…

Continue ReadingWarren Anderson was an american businessman who served as Chairman and CEO of the Union Carbide Corporation