The eighth house shows past conditioning from previous lives of which we are at times aware , but which still operates

The eighth house shows past conditioning from previous lives of which we are at times aware , but which still operates instinctively and which derives great emotional power from deeper…

Continue ReadingThe eighth house shows past conditioning from previous lives of which we are at times aware , but which still operates

Wast studying J. Jayalalitha kundali today she had good yogs of becoming chief minister & glamour queen

Wast studying J. Jayalalitha kundali today she had good yogs of becoming chief minister & glamour queen but on 27 Sept 2014 (Jup-Sat-Sat-Sat) her mahadasha is jup running sat (shani)…

Continue ReadingWast studying J. Jayalalitha kundali today she had good yogs of becoming chief minister & glamour queen

I shot for documentary today on astrology in english.this documentary will go to foreign also in festival circuits & later on come on TV

I shot for documentary today on astrology in english.this documentary will go to foreign also in festival circuits & later on come on tv.feeling blessed.wooohooo.

Continue ReadingI shot for documentary today on astrology in english.this documentary will go to foreign also in festival circuits & later on come on TV