If u don’t want to do something & u r force to do burn 1 clove & 1 kapoor together.keep their ash in paper.have it in small amounts for 2-3 days.

If u don’t want to do something & u r force to do burn 1 clove & 1 kapoor together.keep their ash in paper.have it in small amounts for 2-3…

Continue ReadingIf u don’t want to do something & u r force to do burn 1 clove & 1 kapoor together.keep their ash in paper.have it in small amounts for 2-3 days.

Vvikas Paul (Australia Film Distributor) U predicted Nikka Zaildar to be a HIT ,long ago .Thanks

Vvikas Paul (Australia Film Distributor) U predicted Nikka Zaildar to be a HIT ,long ago .Thanks Nikka Zaildar Scores A Hit The Punjabi film Nikka Zaildar is a HIT film…

Continue ReadingVvikas Paul (Australia Film Distributor) U predicted Nikka Zaildar to be a HIT ,long ago .Thanks

Banjo adds to unlucky no. of ketu 16 (7)

Banjo adds to unlucky no. of ketu 16 (7) In numerology 16 means warning of strange fatality.danger of accidents.defeat of plans.its a very fatal & unfortunate no. 16 in tarot…

Continue ReadingBanjo adds to unlucky no. of ketu 16 (7)

Spread white or light colored sheets, with flowery designs on it. For people looking forward to marriage, pink or red colored sheets are favorable.

Spread white or light colored sheets, with flowery designs on it. For people looking forward to marriage, pink or red colored sheets are favorable. Wearing red color brings back the…

Continue ReadingSpread white or light colored sheets, with flowery designs on it. For people looking forward to marriage, pink or red colored sheets are favorable.

Vedant Sharma is a well-known astrologer from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh

Vedant Sharma is a well-known astrologer from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh with 10 years of experience in astrology, vastu and numerology. He started practicing jyotish activities from 2005. His father is…

Continue ReadingVedant Sharma is a well-known astrologer from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh