Sarrita Chhabra Ok, will TRUMP WIN THE ELECTION? 192 Vedant Sharmaa 2:48am Vedant Sharmaa trump has huge chances of winning have u given vote to trump Sarrita Chhabra 2:49am Sarrita…
Sarrita Chhabra Ok, will TRUMP WIN THE ELECTION? 192 Vedant Sharmaa 2:48am Vedant Sharmaa trump has huge chances of winning have u given vote to trump Sarrita Chhabra 2:49am Sarrita…
Riya Sharma I recently purchased this from u n it's really miraculous, I would highly recommend indrajal for success in business, career and even personal life. its really original &…
Great Predictions Vinita Sharma 11:04 PM (2 hours ago) to me Based on your predictions and after following certain things that have been suggested by you. We have noticed, that…
narayana suneel kuumar 1:33 PM (13 minutes ago) to me Respected Sir, Thank you for the remedies that are provided for me. I am improving now. Now can you please…
Dr Mmamta Shyamkunwar Very nice and informative videos sir on you tube mummy ko b dikhae
If u want to marry or if u want to improve ur married life keep 2 parad pyramids of same weight in south west direction. You will get instant results.…
One client came to me he said 6 months ago me & my wife came to u u said my wife will get job but after 2 months she will…
Vijay Kumar Viswakarma I had learnt about your videos and audiovisuals . I'm impressed by your numerology videos and teachings. I'm more interested to know about my career, marriage life…
AS Prasaad Thank you As per your prediction Marriage is not happening No new girl friend As well
Parad Pyramid is the world's best product to keep on your office desk or study table. Parad is the most heaviest metal of the world Energized Parad (Mercury) Pyramid emits…
M Aves Qureshi Dear sir Thanku so much . For your valuable time and mind blowing remedy's.. Such a your a great person .
while going to sleep, keep camphor in white paper with you and in morning burn it out side your house, this is will minimize the negativity and give rise &…
Pawan singh Very genuine and I have never seen any negative and dishonesty in his approach and my family is very grateful to him for his blessings and people should…