Happy Birthday Dia Mirza Dia was born on 9th December 1981 which makes her a Number 9 (Mars) person in numerology

  Happy Birthday Dia Mirza Dia was born on 9th December 1981 which makes her a Number 9 (Mars) person in numerology. She is a Sagittarian (ruler Jupiter – Number…

Continue ReadingHappy Birthday Dia Mirza Dia was born on 9th December 1981 which makes her a Number 9 (Mars) person in numerology

Happy Birthday Rajnikanth Rajni was born on 12th December 1950 which makes him a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology

  Happy Birthday Rajnikanth Rajni was born on 12th December 1950 which makes him a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology. His sun sign is Sagittarius (ruler Jupiter – Number…

Continue ReadingHappy Birthday Rajnikanth Rajni was born on 12th December 1950 which makes him a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology

Khiladi 786 adds to 2.Film is being released on 2,786 screens which by the way also goes with the film’s title

  Khiladi 786 adds to 2.Film is being released on 2,786 screens which by the way also goes with the film's title.makers are using numerology in no. of screens also…

Continue ReadingKhiladi 786 adds to 2.Film is being released on 2,786 screens which by the way also goes with the film’s title

wow I had 1 hour radio show aap ke sitaare on australia’s first hindi digital radio station apne

  wow I had 1 hour radio show aap ke sitaare on australia's first hindi digital radio station apne.we discussed about astrology numerology palmistry & tarot cards.sun signs predictions.many callers…

Continue Readingwow I had 1 hour radio show aap ke sitaare on australia’s first hindi digital radio station apne

Making predictions in the face of unseemingly odds against it happening is the hallmark of a an accomplished Palmist/Astrologer/Numerologist

AstroPalmist Chelvam Making predictions in the face of  unseemingly odds against it happening is the hallmark of a an accomplished Palmist/Astrologer/Numerologist "Going with the flow" may win you some favour…

Continue ReadingMaking predictions in the face of unseemingly odds against it happening is the hallmark of a an accomplished Palmist/Astrologer/Numerologist

As predicted ‘Talaash’ has fantastic weekend! Witnessed phenomenal growth over the weekend.

  As predicted 'Talaash' has fantastic weekend! Witnessed phenomenal growth over the weekend. The film has performed exceptionally well at multiplexes [mind-blowing in certain circuits] and ranged from good to…

Continue ReadingAs predicted ‘Talaash’ has fantastic weekend! Witnessed phenomenal growth over the weekend.