Happy Birthday Abhishek Abhishek was born on 5th February 1976 which makes him a Number 5 (Mercury) person in numerology

Happy Birthday Abhishek Abhishek was born on 5th February 1976 which makes him a Number 5 (Mercury) person in numerology. He is an Aquarian (ruler Saturn – Number 8) and…

Continue ReadingHappy Birthday Abhishek Abhishek was born on 5th February 1976 which makes him a Number 5 (Mercury) person in numerology

As predicted ‘Race 2’ has fabulous 51.35 cr weekend Had a fantastic opening weekend

As predicted 'Race 2' has fabulous 51.35 cr weekend Had a fantastic opening weekend. The film had a robust Friday, showed exceptional growth on Saturday and although the business slided…

Continue ReadingAs predicted ‘Race 2’ has fabulous 51.35 cr weekend Had a fantastic opening weekend