Another movie uses numerology BIN PHERE FREE ME TTERE added extra ‘T’ in Tere.
Another movie uses numerology BIN PHERE FREE ME TTERE added extra 'T' in Tere.
Another movie uses numerology BIN PHERE FREE ME TTERE added extra 'T' in Tere.
Numbers Codes are activated ALL the time - in names, dates, relationships, addresses. The key is to be aware of how they are affecting you. So much pain can be…
People dont get job after a lot of hard work put in searching the job even after good education & experience.there r yogs in astrology which prevents job or creates…
Mrinalini Chinnappa Dambekodi thnx. i eagerly wait for ur forecast.
Sneha Agarwal i read ur predictions regularly n am always goes almost near to perfect....thanks
SSharma Neeru (Canada) wow u r the super star in numbrology. thank you vedaant ur guidence is so helpful for me
Remedy for Unemployment !! While taking bath, mix a few spoonfuls of curd in the bathing water.
Saw Gattu today.One of the best children film of India. child artist gattu was simply superb & natural. what a cute innocent honest simple entertaining film. must watch for everyone.
Finally managed to see Django Unchained from my favorite director Quentin Tarantino.its a western film with difference. Tarantino is such a genius director.he creates extraordinary things out of nothing. Even…
Deepak Bharadwaj was shot dead by "two or three unidentified men" in his Farm House, "Nitesh Kunj" located in Vasant Kunj area of New Delhi. The incident took place at…
Shri Sunil Dutt ji visited our home in ujjain in mid 90's when sanjay dutt was in trouble last grandfather & mom also met grand father was artist…
Birthday predictions for RANI MUKERJI Rani was born on 21st March 1978 which makes her a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology. She is an Arian (ruler Mars – Number…