My Grandfather’s painting he was great dad & my grand father met Suvra Mukherjee wife of current president.she herself was artist.she took this painting & have written really superb as she really liked it.she had autographed this painting

Continue ReadingMy Grandfather’s painting he was great dad & my grand father met Suvra Mukherjee wife of current president.she herself was artist.she took this painting & have written really superb as she really liked it.she had autographed this painting

Numerology is a popular plot device in fiction. such as in an episode titled The Seance of the 1950s TV

Numerology is a popular plot device in fiction. such as in an episode titled The Seance of the 1950s TV sitcom I Love Lucy, where Lucy dabbles in numerology, to…

Continue ReadingNumerology is a popular plot device in fiction. such as in an episode titled The Seance of the 1950s TV

Predicted to parents about the result of their daughter that she will score above 95 % score this time

Predicted to parents about the result of their daughter that she will score above 95 % score this time.They just called me from dehradun & said she scored 96 %.they…

Continue ReadingPredicted to parents about the result of their daughter that she will score above 95 % score this time