BULLETT RAJA will be hit. BULLETT RAJA title adds to lucky no. of mercury 32 (5).

BULLETT RAJA will be hit. BULLETT RAJA title adds to lucky no. of mercury 32 (5). Title is numerologically corrected with extra 'T'. 2 & 7 always go hand in…

Continue ReadingBULLETT RAJA will be hit. BULLETT RAJA title adds to lucky no. of mercury 32 (5).

It would be the 50th Anniversary, come 22/11, when USA will be grimly reminded of the shocking Assassination of their President, John F. Kennedy.

It would be the 50th Anniversary, come 22/11, when USA will be grimly reminded of the shocking Assassination of their President, John F. Kennedy. A lot had been written on…

Continue ReadingIt would be the 50th Anniversary, come 22/11, when USA will be grimly reminded of the shocking Assassination of their President, John F. Kennedy.