Looks like they r following numerology PK is releasing on 19 dec which adds to 1. PK adds to 10 which adds to 1. Today first poster of movie was also released on 1st aug.

Looks like they r following numerology PK is releasing on 19 dec which adds to 1. PK adds to 10 which adds to 1. Today first poster of movie was…

Continue ReadingLooks like they r following numerology PK is releasing on 19 dec which adds to 1. PK adds to 10 which adds to 1. Today first poster of movie was also released on 1st aug.

NUMBER – 8 ….No 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn, born on 8 17 26 also born on 21 st December to 26th January, 26th jan to feb26th

NUMBER – 8  No 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn, born on 8 17 26 also born on 21 st December to 26th January, 26th jan to feb26th…

Continue ReadingNUMBER – 8 ….No 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn, born on 8 17 26 also born on 21 st December to 26th January, 26th jan to feb26th

Got Call From President House Client Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president.

Got Call From President House Client Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president. He said the way u predicted about my son's marriage its happening like that only. The…

Continue ReadingGot Call From President House Client Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president.

Original silver navgrah bracelet costs 10000 Rs.Properties of various gemstones are known to mankind from ancient times, even Emperor Akbar named his ministers Navratna..

Original silver navgrah bracelet costs 10000 rs.Properties of various gemstones are known to mankind from ancient times, even Emperor Akbar named his ministers Navratna.. Navgrah Bracelet brings peace success prosperity…

Continue ReadingOriginal silver navgrah bracelet costs 10000 Rs.Properties of various gemstones are known to mankind from ancient times, even Emperor Akbar named his ministers Navratna..