23 74 555 to heal headaches in general 58 33 554 to heal migraine
23 74 555 to heal headaches in general 58 33 554 to heal migraine 95 96 562 for migraine which does not respond to 58 33 554 or…
23 74 555 to heal headaches in general 58 33 554 to heal migraine 95 96 562 for migraine which does not respond to 58 33 554 or…
66 82 121 for anger 55 65 569 for those who experience anger management issues, and for those who are around them (this can be given to someone who is…
38 89 332 for lowering of fever 20 02 351 for fever in children 17 84 292 for fever reduction in adults
Ashissh Kaushik I have given fever code to 2 person , within 5 mts in controle
Anonymous Okay ...today I gave stress relief code to my hubby ...he got good result ,he thanked you
[7:43 PM, 1/31/2017] Ananya Jain: Ohk sir [7:43 PM, 1/31/2017] Ananya Jain: Thnku [7:45 PM, 1/31/2017] Ananya Jain: Bdw... I must say tht u hv a vry hlpful nature. U…
23 46 721 for miscarriage, fetal demise, and loss of pregnancy–this is for both the father and the mother, and everyone who is close to the couple and will grieve.…
Manveer Gurjar won Big Boss 10 In my new year predictions 2017 video I told good year for 1,2,4,7 As 2017 adds to 1 & (1,2,4,7) is family of no.…
Rohit Kumar It was definitely worth consulting you :) I understand its difficult to go thru kundli again and again. U have this great quality in you to not get irritated by…
Renu Jalan: Apko Roz Bahut ashirwad logo s Milta h and milta rahe for improving subki life's by your numerology
Shiron Kaur Thanks a lot for every single information it works u r really great
#Raees #Movie #Review Numerology B O Collections #ShahRukhKhan#Kaabil Clash #NawazuddinSiddiqui #MahiraKhan #HrithikRoshan
GAYATRI MANTRA declared the most powerful mantra ?????? ❗Scientific research ❗ Hanuman Chalisa and Gayatri Mantra ... Any one who knows the Hanuman Chalisa ...??? In Hanuman Chalisa it is said :…