After Spelling Change – Yes, my relationship with
Seema Ahmen Usa - After Spelling Change - Yes, my relationship with my husband has improved and solution to my problems is coming out. I just need to take the…
Seema Ahmen Usa - After Spelling Change - Yes, my relationship with my husband has improved and solution to my problems is coming out. I just need to take the…
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Manish: I will pray to God that you will get more success in your astrology & definately one day will come when u will touch d sky...!!!!!! Manish: Jo tumhara…
AJ Kcrafts n Creations Everything is done from subscription to bell icon n to watch all d other astro-numero videos.... Must say, nobdy can replace in ur profession , d…
Aparna Anand You are doing a great job Guiding people thru yr wisdom and intelligence You have seen hard times and its so true that hard times only reveal the…
Anonymous As your prediction are true regarding Chaitanya..he did very well in board exams..10th he got 90%&in 12th he go admission in VIT through entrance exam
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[7:20 PM, 4/28/2018] Gaurav G Porrwal: Sir two years back u told me that there chances for u to go to foreign country after march 2018 You were absolutely correct…
Got call from News 24X7 channel that they wanna give me award for best astrologer on 20th july in radisson blu in delhi. Sunil shetty will give me the award.…
अच्छे लोग क्यों सफल नहीं हो पाते (5 reasons) 2018 #successmantra #howtogetsuccessful #whypeoplefail#whydopeoplefailinbusiness #businessmantra #lifemantra #reasonsforfailure#motivational #speech
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Rajesh Parchani You can make any dead person alive with this video... The best part is converting Pain into Power... #keep_motivating people