Happy Birthday Hrithik Roshan Hrithik was born on 10th January 1974

Happy Birthday Hrithik Roshan
Hrithik was born on 10th January 1974 which means he is ruled by Sun (Number 1) – the most powerful ‘star’ in the universe. He is also ruled by Number 8 (ruler Saturn – Capricorn) while his ‘destiny’ number adds up to Number 5 (Mercury)
Being a Number 1, ‘Duggu’ (as he is fondly called) is an ‘ace’ in whatever he does. Thanks to the Saturn effect, it gave him ‘instant’ success with his first film, but the following years proved very bad for him which was also done by ‘shani maharaj’. Being ruled by Number 5 as too, it gives him sharp memory and amazing confidence levels to communicate with the world be it through his films, ads, speeches etc.
Hrithik will be now be entering the lucky 40th(4) year of his life which indicates a superlative year ahead of him.
On the film front, his most ambitious venture ‘Krrish 3’ will break all previous box office records and create new benchmarks in terms of net collections. After that in the ‘Bang Bang’ (the official remake of ‘Knight and Day’), he will once again shine in a light hearted role and even the film will do extremely well at the ticket window.
Wearing a Blue Sapphire (after testing) on a Saturday, two hours and forty minutes before sunset in his middle finger will take his graph to an altogether different level and put him in the international league.

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