What Happened at the BEGINNING of the Mayan Calendar?


What Happened at the BEGINNING of the Mayan Calendar?
Much has been written about the end of the Mayan 
long-count 13 baktun calendar, but not much has been 
revealed about how the beginning of the calendar might 
relate to the end date. 

The start of the calendar tells a potent story. 

number 13 represents the "Divine Feminine" – 
and 2013 brings a rebirth of the Divine Feminine in all 
of us. 

A time of joy and abundance awaits humanity as we 
balance the masculine and feminine qualities within us. 

The story of the outcome of the Mayan long count end 
date on 12.21.2012 is mirrored in some ways in the 
history and conditions that surrounded its beginning. 

Our current Mayan cycle began on August 13 in 3114 BC. 

Notice how the numerology of that date appears to us 
in the 21st century: 

* August 13 is a 13/4 Universal Day. 

* 8.13.3114 adds up to 22/4. 

* Add the month and day – 8.13 and the total is 13/4. 

4 is the number of Earth. Number 13 represents the 
Divine Feminine. 

Let's look more closely at the significance these symbols. 

Amazingly, two historically mythological events took 
place around the beginning of the current calendar. 

Hindu legend states that Krishna died on February 16, 
3102 BC one of the most famous dates in sacred history. 
This event began the cosmic cycle of "Kali Yuga" (age 
of darkness). 

The coincidence of this start date with the start time 
of the Mayan long-count is extraordinary. 

The second historically mythological event occurred in 
3102 BC in Ancient Egypt – the year that the historic 
Osiris, on which the subsequent myth is based, was 

The death of Krishna and murder of Osiris signaled a 
moment in human history when our sacred connection to 
the Divine was severed. 

In the centuries and millenia that followed, we lost interest 
and ability to communicate with Earth – our creative expression 
dissipated and our cultural connections were mired in conflict 
and eventual darkness. 

In other words, the start-time of the Mayan Long Count 
coincided with a shift in how we experienced sacredness 
– moving away from a goddess-centered vision of 
Earth – made visible by the beauty of creation and 
celebrated in the joyful dance of the natural world, a 
world of Abundance for All. 

A big part in this reconnection is re-establishing our 
reverence for the Divine Feminine, symbolized by the 
number 13. 

In the last 5,100 years both women and men have lost their 
balance between masculine and feminine. 

Think of 12.21.2012 as a vortex in time – a pivotal 
moment around which events are clustered – before and 

This date signifies a shift when humans recalibrate 
their cultural perspective. Where behavior, thoughts 
and discoveries melt and dissolve, merge and then 
re-emerge like a phoenix into the light. 

What makes 12.21.2012 – an 11 Universal Date of 
BALANCE – so pivotal is that it has been 
identified as a mythological, sacred date which has 
been confirmed in the stars! 

Celebrations are markers of pivotal moments in time. 
Celebrations remind us of our blessings. 

Such a time of celebration is upon us now. 

By rejoicing in the Winter Solstice – the end of the 
long-count calendar from December 21 through 23, 2012 
you will be participating in a sacred birthday of a new 
divine consciousness that ushers in a tremendous new 

By focusing on your inner life, you will reconnect and 
activate the sacred, abundant part of your Soul. 

A sacred life blesses everything and everyone.

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