He should have gracefully retired in his 39th (3) year! My prediction on Tendulkar made four days after his Bday on 24/4 this year on FB


The head and shoulders of a man in his 30s, wearing a white and green wide-brimmed hat, and a blue top.

He should have gracefully retired in his 39th (3) year! My prediction on Tendulkar made four days after his Bday on 24/4 this year on FB-
Sachin (who has been allotted Rajya Sabha seat No 13) too may have a dismal 40th year though I wish the Little Master well…
Lekin kya karun, Yeh Number Ki Baat Hai!
Sachin is no.6(24 April 1973) running in his unlucky unpredictable 40th(4) year of rahu.
in his kundali also going through rahu mahadasha & shani antardasha.
he will face tough time till april 2013.

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