Mars transits the sign Libra between 14-Aug-2012 to 28-Sep-2012 connecting natal Jupiter…Precautions for planet Mars(Mangal)

Mars transits the sign Libra between 14-Aug-2012 to 28-Sep-2012 connecting natal Jupiter, the country needs to be on its guard and remain over cautious over terrorist attacks.
Precautions for planet Mars(Mangal)
H represents house.
Mars in 1H
If Mars is in the 1H. Do not take free gifts or Charity from anyone. Do not speak lies. This will work like poison in milk, even your Destiny will not support you. Do not keep Ivory items at home.
1. Do not take free gifts or Daan (charity) from anybody.
2. Do not speak lies.
3. Do not keep Elephant tusks items at home.
Mars in 2
If Mars is in the 2H, Do not neglect or ignore your brother. The more you help him or take care of him, the more your prosperity increases.
1. Do not Neglect your brother.
2. Do not insult your Mother or Grandmother.
Mars in 3H
If Mars is in the 3H, Do not be proud or Stubborn. Do not have any type of vices or indulge in extra marital affairs. The woman he marries will be of a suspicious nature always, even if he is not involved in any affairs.
1. Do not be proud or stubborn.
2. Do not indulge in vices.
3. Do not let your stomach come out
Mars in 6H
If Mars is in the 6H do not distribute sweets on your children’s birthday, instead give salty items.
This in my practical experience should be observed even if Mars is not in the 6H.If it is not possible atleast ensure that you offer sweets only to people who have come to your house and not send it to people’s houses. If this precaution is taken it brings Financial prosperity.
1. Do not distribute sweets on children’s birthday.
2. Keep your character clean otherwise you will face financial crunch.
Mars in 7H
If Mars is in the 7H do not keep creeper plants or plants with broad leaves at home.
Do not take mercury related items as gifts.
Do not keep parrot as pet bird.
Stay away from relations represented by mercury i.e.: sister, fathers sister or always gift them with Red clothes.
1. Do not keep creeper plants or plant trees with broad leaves at home.
2. Do not take items of Mercury as Gifts.
3. Do not keep a parrot at home.
4. Gift Red clothes to your sister, father’s sister.
Mars in 8 House
If Mars is in the 8H, Do not insult or hurt a widows feelings.
Do not build a Furnace below the floor1.
Do not have the main door of the house in the south direction.
1. Do not hurt a widows feelings.
2. Do not build a furnace below the floor.
3. Do not live in a south facing house.
Mars in 9H
If Mars is in the 9H do not become an atheist. Follow the traditional customs and rituals.
1. Do not become an atheist and follow traditional customs and rituals.
Mars in 10H
If Mars is in the 10H, do not sell ancestral property or gold of the house.
Ensure that milk does not overflow on the fire (in India milk is everyday boiled) or it creates obstacles to children.
1. Do not sell ancestral property or gold of the house.
2. Do not allow milk to overflow on the fire while boiling.
Mars in 12H
If Mars is in the 12H, do not let the knifes or any weapons if you have at home become rusted.
Do not keep mars items with you.
The elder brother of the native should not wear red clothes.
1. Keep the weapons, knifes shinning bright.
2. Do not keep Mars items with you.
3. The elder brother should not wear red clothes.
Taking Precautions Solves many problems.

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