Donald Trump Became The US President Hillary Clinton name adds to 44(8) unlucky no. of saturn

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Donald Trump Became The US President
Hillary Clinton name adds to 44(8) unlucky no. of saturn
She is no.8 (October 26, 1947) running in her neutral 70th(7) year
Donald Trump is no.5 (June 14, 1946) running in his lucky 71st(8) year
8 is lucky for 5
8 is extreme no. it either gives too good results or too bad results
Donald Trump name adds to 48 (3) 3 is his lucky no.
48 is way powerful than 44
Then also I saw their nadi kp kundali
Donald Trump has extra ordinary kundali
Huge chances of winning.kundali is full of name fame success.
Hillary has very average kundali.
At this time also dashas were favoring Donald Trump
Then I saw through prashna kundali(horary astrology) also
It also showed Donald Trump as the clear winner.