Happy Birthday Juhi Chawla Juhi was born on 13th November 1967


Happy Birthday Juhi Chawla 
Juhi was born on 13th November 1967 which makes her a Number 4 (Rahu) person in numerology. She is a Scorpion (ruler Mars – Number 9) by her sun sign and her destiny number adds up to Number 2 (Moon). Since she is ruled by Number 2, she is automatically ruled by Number 7 (Ketu), as Numbers 2 and 7 always go hand in hand.
Juhi will now be entering the lucky 46th(1) year 

of her life which indicates an encouraging phase with lots of activities happening around. Her release ‘Son Of Sardaar’ is the best ‘birthday’ gift for her as it is releasing on the same day.
Like in her every film, her role will be very well appreciated and even the film will do astounding business at the box office. After that, she will once again win hearts with her performance in the remake of ‘Chasme Buddoor’.
Her IPL team ‘Kolkata Knight Riders' will also perform well this season.
I would advise her to wear a Pearl made in silver on her smallest finger to avoid any unwanted stress, attain calmness and peace of mind.


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