Aftab Shivdasani is no.7(25th June 1978) in his luckiest 34th(7) year gave 1920


Aftab Shivdasani is no.7(25th June 1978) in his luckiest 34th(7) year gave 1920 – EVIL RETURNS which turns out to be the surprise hit of the year.
1920 – EVIL RETURNS adds to 9.
Film released on 2nd November 2012 and the compound number arrived by adding this date is also Number 9 (Mars).
Also, currently the Sun is in the zodiac of Scorpio (23rd October – 22nd November) which too, is ruled by 9.
Vikram Bhatt himself is a Number 9 person (27th January)

The year 2012 which adds up to Number 5 (Mercury) is proving worthy for most Number 5 people and the leading lady Tia Bajpai is a Number 5 person (23rd May 1988) directly. She is a ‘Gemini’ also ruled by Number 5 while her ‘destiny’ number adds up to Number 9 again.


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