Happy Birthday Tabu
Tabu was born on 4th November 1970 which makes her a Number 4 (Rahu) person in numerology. She is a Scorpion (ruler Mars – Number 9) and her ‘destiny’ number adds up to Number 5 (Mercury)
Tabu will now enter the lucky 43rd(7) year of her life which will prove to be one of the best times for her on the personal as well as professional front.
Her soon-to-released film ‘Life Of Pi
’ will do astounding business at the box office and as usual her performance in the film will draw the attention of not only national, but international audiences.
She should spell her name as ‘TABUU’ and wear a Red Coral on her ring finger made in gold on a Tuesday morning (one hour after sunrise) to help her find a true life partner with whom she can settle down by 2014.
Most importantly, by doing this she will choose to act in ‘more’ films which I’m sure will be a treat for every film-lover.