Happy Birthday Asin Asin was born on 26th October 1985 which makes her a Number 8 (Saturn) person in numerology

Happy Birthday Asin

Asin was born on 26th October 1985 which makes her a Number 8 (Saturn) person in numerology. She is a Scorpion (ruler Mars – Number 9) and her ‘destiny’ number adds up to Number 5 (Mercury).
Being a Number 8, Asin is ruled by one of the most powerful planets – Saturn which spells ‘doom’ as well as ‘heightened’ success. A number of two extremes, Asin has really word very hard to

 come this far in life. Also ruled by Number 9 (Mars), Asin has great stamina and is aggressive about her work. Open to new challenges, nothing can stop this lady from achieving her goals. Being also ruled by Number 5 (Mercury) she is fast, communicative, a great talker and has a sharp memory.
Asin will now enter in to her 28th year which indicates a ‘mixed’ bag of results in the days to come.
After giving two back-to-back hits this year, her next release ‘Khiladi 786’ may pale in comparison and may not be able to do brisk business at the box office.
But the year 2013 which adds up to Number 6 (Venus) will be proving lucky for most Number 8 people and that would act as a ‘damage controller’ in her case.
On the personal front, there are chances of her finding someone really interesting and she can take things forward if all goes well.
earing a Red Coral in gold on her ring finger will help her bringing out the right balance in her life and also control anger management issues.


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