As predicted India Won On Their Lucky Date Wooohooo 3 6 9 lucky for India As India adds to 12(3)

As predicted India Won On Their Lucky Date Wooohooo

3 6 9 lucky for India As India adds to 12(3) Got Independence on 15th(6) Aug.

They beat old rivals Pakistan on 15th(6) Feb. their lucky date.

MS Dhoni is no.7(July 7, 1981) running in his lucky 34th(7) Year.he also became father again recently in his lucky year.

3 5 6 lucky for no. 5
Today is 15 (6) lucky day for no. 5
Man of the Match is Virat Kohli is no.5 (5 Nov.) His name also adds to 32 (5)
He made 107 runs on his lucky date
Shikhar Dhawan is also no.5 (5 dec.) His name also adds to his lucky no. 41(5)
He made 73.
Misbah Ul Haq highest scorer from pak made 76 runs.He is Gemini (Ruler-5) in his lucky 41st (5) year.Also his name adds to 32(5).
Sohail Khan is no.6 (6 march) he took 5 wickets on his lucky date 15(6) feb.
India also made 300 (3) which adds to 3.