Movie prediction for PK PK will be all time blockbuster & break all records.

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Movie prediction for PK
PK will be all time blockbuster & break all records.
PK’ is adding up to Number 10 – this octave of Number 1 (Sun) is symbolized as the ‘wheel of fortune’. It is considered auspicious as it represents honour, position, self-confidence, name, fame, affinity, rise and fall. The only thing is that this number is gullible and can be easily fooled and so it can earn or lose according to will. But in most cases, it has the capacity to act effectively on any plan and take it completion.
Overall 10 is good name no. & is compatible with release date 19th(1) dec.
Anushka Sharma is also no.1 (1st May 1988) her performance will be appreciated.
2014 is good year for 1 2 4 7.
Destiny number arrived from Aamir Khan’s (14th March 1965) date of birth is Number 2.he will give his career best performance.
Sanjay Dutt is no.2 (29th July 1959) his luck will add too.
Rajkumar Hirani is also no.2 (20th November 1962) will as usual deliver yet another masterstroke in terms of innovative writing and effortless direction.