Year 2014


2014 will be good year for 1 2 4 7
For people born on 1 10 19 28 2 11 20 29 4 13 22 31 7 16 25 & cancer & leo sunsigns.
2014 adds to 7 of ketu.2 & 7 always go hand in hand.2 is moon.
Moon makes u restless over emotional romantic dreamy creative.
Moon play mind games & do mood swings.
It will be restless year.
Volatite year for share market.don’t get carried away.don’t invest everything in stock market.
Don’t use dot between names like anil k. kumar
Don’t use black ink it represents shani
Good year for samsung sony apple as all adds to 7.
Dhoni Katrina Saif Bipasha Shahid all no.7 will have good year.
Good year for kejriwal & modi as they r in their lucky year.
Bad Year for Rahul & Sonia as they r in their unlucky year.
Have a Great Year Ahead.
For more details watch my video on 2014 Predictions.