Persons born on 8 th : love peaceful lives , make efforts to achieve many things, religions, occultism, and philosophy attract their minds

Persons born on 8 th : love peaceful lives , make efforts to achieve many things, religions, occultism, and philosophy attract their minds . the flesh will yearn for wordly pleasures while the spirit will lean towards sacrifice , restless , hardworking , upright lives, capable of performing impossible tasks , strive hard for social reforms.

Persons born on 17th: if these people are not rich by birth , they strive hard to achieve such a status, if the name number is favourable , they amass great wealth and enjoy all comforts of life. Do not earn through honourable means to satisfy their base desires.

Persons born on 26th : less fortune than 8 17 , by the time they are 17th they will lose either one or both their parents imaginative powers , humour and intelligence , attain wealth and fame in their old age., even during adolescence, they will meet obstacles in their education and future development. , generally blamed for the faults of others and earn lot of enemies ,

Negative effects : overwork and little time for personal matters , over ambitiousness, too much materialism, strain and tension , lack of humanitarianism towards others, impatience with others and tragedy of fate.
The brain is active and sharp, they weigh their speech carefully, patient and untiring , work for long on a problem , extreme sense of discipline and dutifulness, love music cautious about their future, and take decisions thoughtfully, creative , productive and domineering, feel lonely at heart , likely to be misunderstood.
Delay in achieveing financial stability , which they achieve rather late in life. Trust very few , despite preoccupations they icur losses and are robbed by their servants, they should avoid drugs of all kinds.

Married life : no 8 husband : usually he does not have any desire to get married , and is not much attracted to girls, prefers to be alone, marries at a very late age , often makes his married life miserable , very orthodox and does not allow his wife to have modern ideas or wear modern dresses . this creates disappointment in his wife and dislike for her husband .

No 8 wife : she has a masculine personality , she is systematic, enjoys family life and likes to make sacrifices for her children and husband . she lacks feminine warmth, delicacy and sentiment. 

For those born on 8th:
You are highly intellectual and would like to devote your time in some serious study rather than enjoy social life. You are comfortable when you inherit vast wealth and do not have to work hard to earn your way. You are often rich, but you spend your money on institutions and hospitals for scientific research or social reforms. You have extreme sense of discipline, steadfastness and dutifulness. You admire fair play and often rise to high position and fame. But you are likely to be misunderstood and in advanced years may loose your reputation and are surrounded by scandal. Some sort of family tragedy or estrangement may visit you. It is the primary influence of your ruling planets.

For those born on 17th:
You have a creative and constructive mind; you are an able organizer, methodical and diligent. You are courageous and proud. You love peace and tend to be philanthropist Sometimes you are generous to a fault and sometimes stingy. You are attracted towards mysticism and occultism, but you may not escape the tragic influence of your ruling planet.

For those born on 26th:
You would love to enjoy life without doing anything .You may become sluggish and lethargic. Though you have all the qualities of your number in built in you, you tend to ignore them and earn easy money. You are lucky in money matters. You are smart but may lack possessiveness. Your smartness is essentially a façade, since you tend to worry a lot inside. You may have problems in your love affairs.

No. 8 overall You are strong tough and can be ruthless. You enjoy continuous hassles and struggle for power. Dynamic and independent, you dislike dependence. You are confident and determined. You set goals for yourself throughout your life. You are an excellent organizer. Your career is more important than your domestic life. You have intense nature, great strength of individuality; you generally play some important role in life's stage. Often fatalistic or sometimes as instruments of fate for others, often you are recognized after your death. You are a lone ranger and for this reason, you have few real friends. When instigated, you do not rest till you have completely devastated your enemies. You have a long memory and carry your animosity till death, you are an extremist, and both in friendship and enmity .No middle path is for you: you either aspire for and get great honor and success or massive failure. You do not believe in prevalent norms and often come into conflict with social or moral values. One side of your nature represents upheavals, revolution, anarchy, waywardness and eccentricities of all kinds While the other side represents philosophical thought, strong learning towards occult Studies, religious devotion, concentration of purpose, relentless zeal for any cause and a fatalistic outlook. Until the age of 35, you are not able to have any bank balance as you hop from one crisis to another but after this age you love to see your balances grow and try to sharpen your mental facilities. If you are a woman, you are likely to inherit money and save for your old age. Though you are homely and devoted at later age, you may like to live alone because of many sad experiences in marital life or difficulties in finding a suitable partner.


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