Movie prediction for ´R… RAJKUMAR´
R… RAJKUMAR will be hit.
R… RAJKUMAR adds to lucky no. of Jupiter 21 (3).
Release Date is 6th December 2013 a day primarily ruled by Number 6 (Venus) planet of entertainment.its a masala film.
(3,6,9) is family of no.
Year 2013 adds to 6 is good for 3,6,9.
Shahid Kapoor (25th February 1981) is running in his 33rd year and the release date (6th) goes in sync with his age. Plus, he is a Piscean (ruler Jupiter – Number 3) which vibrates with the film title (21).
Shahid will be back in form & how.
Sonakshi Sinha (2nd June 1987) her ‘destiny’ number adds up to Number 6 (Venus).
Sonu Sood is no.3 (30th July 1973)
Prabhudheva is no.3 (3rd April 1973)