New Moon ~ Wonderful Release! Share the message revealed in your feelings

New Moon ~ Wonderful Release!
Share the message revealed in your feelings. 
Your feelings will reveal surprising insights about your soul.
Be sure you are rested so you can share with calmness 
and clarity. 
With Uranus/Pluto in the mix you have to be careful not 
to overload your nervous system – as this may distract 
you from the message, and you may be misunderstood as
a result. Try not to rush into decisions during this New Moon. 

Slow the pace down, take your time. 

Clear your cobwebs, confront your fears. Be the creator
of your life. These intense eclipses have opened you up to receive abundance and

In fact, YOUR personal code is being activated in a very 
specific area of your life right NOW through November. 

Discover exactly How and Where you must place your
attention in order to leverage the energy in your favor.