On this Earth Day in 2013 the numbers are lined up
beautifully! You can ground your ideas like never before.
Look at the code as it relates to Earth Day:
1. We are in the 13th Year of our Century. 13 = 4
2. Today is the 22nd. 22 = 4
3. Earth is represented by the number 4.
22 – the "master number" of Peace through
Communication which is manifested by discerning truth
from illusion.
13 – the number of radical transformation empowers us
from the inside out.
4 – the square, symbolizes physical reality,
"grounding" your ideas, architecture, building,
planning, patience and a diligent work ethic.
2013 is the year we begin building a new future here on
We are grounding brand new ideas and possibilities into
physical reality.
There are many ways to activate inspiration:
– Appreciate your environment today and beautify it
with flowers, fountains and natural scents.
– Move your body in a way that brings you joy. It is
your soul's home here on Earth.
– Celebrate your life on planet Earth today by turning
your creative imagination into something tangible and
Earth is a visible, physical manifestation of the Divine.
We are divine beings experiencing the full spectrum of
freedom, love, truth and creation in physical form.
Be grateful for this opportunity.
Gratitude is the divine nectar that fuels our ability
to manifest abundance!
Planet Earth thrives when YOU thrive…