Finally managed to see Django Unchained from my favorite director Quentin Tarantino

Finally managed to see Django Unchained from my favorite director Quentin Tarantino.its a western film with difference.
Tarantino is such a genius director.he creates extraordinary things out of nothing.
Even a weakly written scene turns out to be brilliant by this master story teller who has a great command on his narrative & knack of taking out absolutely brilliant performances from his cast.
Even the longest scenes keep u on the edge of ur seat.
It had great humour gore & powerful performances by everyone.
Very captivating doubt they won oscar for screenplay.
Christoph Waltz after Inglourious Basterds was brilliant.very charmingly he delivers his lines.& rightly won oscar for his performance.he is my favorite.
Leonardo DiCaprio was amazing intense bole toh faadu in that dinner scene was a treat to see him as villian for the first time.
Jamie Foxx as Django was good.
Samuel L. Jackson with that horrible make up was fun to watch in that small but important role.its his 7th film with Tarantino.
All in all its a must watch film specially for all Tarantino De caprio Waltz & western movies fans.
This movie made my evening so beautiful hilarious funny & meaningful today.