At the moment you take your first breath, your numbers'
code is born.
Hidden within this sacred code is the formula of your
soul's true essence and the map of your personal cycles
during life on Earth.
Deciphering this code brings major opportunities and
In 2013, a 6 Universal Year, the focus on wellbeing and
abundance has never been greater. You are 'birthing'
new feelings, igniting passions and firing up your soul
Your physical home, represented by your body and your
home, wants your attention.
Family and close friends will play a big part in your
And, in 2013… your passion to be of service triggers an
energy exchange of abundance.
In other words, abundance is created as a result of a
passionate energy exchange between you and the
universe. Especially this year!
In 2013, the year that the Divine Law of Abundance is
activated, you can translate abundance goals into reality
much more easily.
Because, in conjunction with the 6 Universal Year of
Abundance (2+0+1+3 = 6), we are also experiencing the
13th year of the century. 13(4) attracts transformation
and physical manifestation.
Imagine bridging your fears and overcoming regret once
and for all!
Imagine trusting your gut feeling, paying attention to
the truth, listening to your true calling – and ACTING
on your purpose.
Merging Astro-Numerology and Abundance has never been
easier than in 2013!
In 2013 trusting in your divine gifts and the
bounty they bring will be much more natural for you.
After a tumultuous 2012, you can now trust and honor
the passionate, ecstatic yearning inside of you… you
CAN feel alive, be happy and live abundantly!