Energized Powerful Parad (Mercury) Mala / Rosary costs 4000 rs.

Energized Powerful Parad (Mercury) Mala / Rosary costs 4000 rs.
Its very good for removing black magic & all negativity & making your aura powerful.
Ancient Vedas consider Parad Mala (Rasamani) as the most auspicious and pure metal that attains worshipper wealth, prosperity and good luck. It is also believed that worshipping and chanting with Parad Rosary have power to control various diseases such as Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Asthma. This Mercury Beads has significance in Ayurveda and has proven to be the best in terms of destroying all negative aspects surrounded by the worshipper and their family. If you lack happiness, good fortune and happiness in your life, then you should start worshipping Parad Gutika Mala. It has power to bring good vibrations by destroying all negative aspects and help you to lead success in every sphere of life. 

Significance of Parad Mala (Gutika)
Worshipping Padrasam Beads has proven to be several benefits from Scientific as well as in Ayurveda
It has power to control various diseases such as High Blood Pressures, Diabetes, Ashtma and also increase sex power
It also helps the worshipper to control heart diseases
The Parad Mala should be worn around in the neck or waist
The Parad Mala is capable in helping the worshipper who is mentally, physically, financially and intellectually ill.
Regular worshipping using parad Mala helps in keeping Ma Laxmi always at home
Worship with parad rosary will help in bringing instant wealth, Luck, position , fame and name in the life of a native.
Parad (Mercury) Mala / Rosary – 08 mm costs 10000 rs.
Parad (Mercury) Mala / Rosary – 05 mm 6000 rs.
Parad (Mercury) Mala / Rosary – 03 mm 4000 rs