Rose Quartz Pendant is a light pink crystal pendant that brings the energy rays of commitment, caring, love and determination

Rose Quartz Pendant is a light pink crystal pendant that brings the energy rays of commitment, caring, love and determination. Rose Quartz is the crystal stone of unconditional love and peace. It is important crystal quartz for the heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love. Rose Quartz Locket purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deeper inner healing and self-love.
Rose Crystal Quartz is a calming and reassuring crystal, superb for use in suffering or crisis. It is also an exceptional stone for comforting grief. This beautiful pink crystal pendant/ locket has a powerful energy that balances both the heart chakra and the thymus chakra. One of the essential facts about this pendant is its usefulness in healing personal relationships.

Benefits of Rose Quartz Pendant / Locket:
It encourages self-love
It relieves stress and loneliness
It eases heartache
It raises self-esteem and confidence
It promotes forgiveness
It offers harmony and inner peace
Energized Rose Quartz Pendant Costs 1000 rs.
Mentally, Rose Quartz Pendant assists in relieving tension, anxiety and stress. This lovely pink quartz crystal has a great effect to aid your emotional healing and helps in healing relationship problems. The presence of this pink love stone will send a soothing vibration to the person wearing it.
It also bestows a peaceful and calming sensation that can assist to heal emotional disturbances by dissolving anger and resentment. This crystal stone of love opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, romantic love and family love. Rose quartz pendant is a loving stone pendant and is also used to raise self-esteem and a strong sense of self-confidence of a person.