Thank you Steve, for your life, your genius and
for implementing your extraordinary vision.
Importance of no.1 in his life.
Destiny no. of Steve Jobs is 1(24/2/1955)
His name Steve Jobs adds to 37 which adds to 10 then reduces to 1.
Apple Computer the company he co-founded also adds to 64 which adds to 10 which reduces to 1.
How appropriate for the inventor of the home
desktop computer, iPod, iPhone, iTunes and iPad
that computer code is made up of 1s and 0s – a
literal expression of the number 10.
10 in our society also means 'Perfection' –
something Jobs always strived for.
Apple was founded on 1 day.
Steve Jobs died in October the 10th(1) month of
the year.
He died on 5/10/2011 which adds to 1 too.
Jobs was born in the 55th(1) Year of the century.
Steve Jobs fulfilled his mission – gloriously,
elegantly. Just like Mozart.
Mozart consistently composed exquisite, irresistible
works of art.
Mozart also died young.
Is it a coincidence that Jobs loved music and
helped save the music industry when he invented
the iPod and introduced iTunes?
Your current name either activates your birth
blueprint in a positive or challenging way.
I leave you with one of his brilliant quotes:
"Death is likely the single best invention of