Our name numbers should be in harmonious vibration with our date of birth numbers then life is smooth we easily get success happiness & love. If it doesn't matches then we need to change our spelling. You can change your spelling on facebook / orkut or make new E- mail address or use in your personal life in your Visiting Cards, Letter pads, saving name in mobile etc. You have to write your new name with your Lucky colour pen one time in a day for 3 months. Then the positive vibrations of your new name comes in your life & it improves your life.
I tell Lucky Colours, Lucky Stone, Lucky Days, Lucky Fruits, Lucky Vegetables, Lucky Months, Lucky Numbers, Which Guy/Girl will be lucky for you for marriage/friendship/partnership.
I will also make your Kundali through Advance Numerology.
I also give Laal Kitaab remedies.
Contact me on 9425092415 for your Lucky Colours, Lucky Days, Change in spelling & unlock the secret of happiness & success in your life. Minor change in your name can turn your bad luck into good luck.
This is like a spiritual hospital which gives us power to face difficulties & challenges in our life like career,diseases,marriage, court cases,depression,problem in having child etc. For all that stones,mantras,simple remedies,numerology helps the person to come out of the problem boldly.
Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons with suitable and lucky names are very successful and shine in life. Changing of name or name spelling from an unlucky name number to a lucky name number results in change in nature and fortune of the person for the better.
There is no substitute for hard work. There is no substitute for good luck either. Only those who are lucky can enjoy the fruits of their labour. Numerology helps you to attain success,wealth,health,peace of mind & offcourse good fortune.
The limitations which your date of birth have we can overcome them by changing your name spelling & making your name come on fortunate numbers.
Use your new name with new spelling as much as you can. On your visiting card, letter pad make e-mail id of that name & use it. Use on facebook, orkut or twitter. Use the name plate outside your home. Save that name in your friends mobile. Write your new name daily only 1 time with lucky colour pen thinking of all your wishes what you want in life, For 3 months daily. After 3 months its positive vibrations will come into your life.
Vedant Sharmaa
Numerologist, Palmist & Astrologer contact me on + 91 9425092415 for your lucky colours lucky days change in spelling & unlock the secret of happiness & success in your life. Minor change in ur name can turn your bad luck into good luck.1 3 5 6.
Numbers forecast the trends and themes in your life right now.
Numbers help you plan events at certain times that are more supportive of your goals than other times.
Being aware of your lucky numbers,colours,stones,days is a powerful tool.
You can literally make your goals happen quicker and easier by applying numbers in a positive way.
Having a fortunate current name is one great way to create positive change.
About Vedant Sharmaa(Robbin)
I.T. Engineer
Life Advisor Bharti Axa Life Insurance
Platinum Club Member
MDRT(Million Dollar Round Table.)
LUTCF doing phd. in insurance(doctorate degree) from Pennsylvania usa.
Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons with suitable and lucky names are very successful and shine in life.
On your lucky dates you will be strong, creative and thoughtful. Conditions will be lucky and others will receive you well. It will be like swimming with the current.Do all important things on your lucky dates.
If you change your name or name number to the suggested name number officially and practise it,you are bound to gain health,comfort,happiness,success and good fortune in life. This is because you are known by your name, you are called by your name and your name is your mantra. Once this mantra is in harmony with your personality denoted by your birth and destiny numbers, your life will blossom out as one that gives you good fortune,success,happiness,comfort and health. The word health is specifically mentioned because a wrong mantra or a wrong name can wreck your good health while a correct mantra or a correct name can cure your disease and enhance your good health.
Your name activates your birth blueprint either positively or negatively.Be sure the name you use today is helping you to surpass all obstacles and succeed.
Contact me on 9425092415 for your Lucky Colours, Lucky Days, Change in spelling & unlock the secret of happiness & success in your life. Minor change in your name can turn your bad luck into good luck.
The best gift u can give to new born baby is perfect name according to numerology.
Your baby name or your name is extremely important. Your baby name is his/her life. It is how you identify him or her. It is how the world identifies your boy or girl. The more insight you have into the powerful influence of their name, the greater opportunity to enjoy the success they are capable of achieving.
Lucky Name Numerology enables you to achieve what ever you want. Name, fame, wealth, women and success are all attainable by this Science of Luck! Make your lucky numbers work for you and achieve success!
You may think that numbers have no relevance except for mathematics. Not so. If it is, why many famous people consider some numbers as lucky? These numbers made them successful in their business and daily life.
When you analyze the lives of film super stars, business tycoons, famous personalities and politicians, you find that they were all blessed with lucky names, defined by Lucky Numbers according to lucky name numerology.
You hear that they believed and used lucky numbers in their daily lives. They changed their names as per lucky numbers. Before these changes, they were very ordinary. Name change alone made them successful!
What is luck? It is more results with less efforts. More profits with less expense. Better health and no disease. A good family and nice kids. This is what you will get with a perfect name correction as per name numerology.
Name acts as a Peace Maker. An astrologically perfect name pacifies your unfavorable planets. It makes them friendly to you. That is the purpose of a perfect name with numerology compatibility.
your children may study well, but habitually forget to write the correct answers. They repeatedly miss their ranks due to this defect.
Correct reports should point out such Defects which make children lose memory in the exams hall. Many parents criticize their kids for this. They do not realize their own mistakes in giving defective names to their kids.
May Success Garland You All, who follow the unfailing principles of name numerology, to cross this ocean of human Life. Success is your birth right. Untap these secret powers by correcting your name and Succeed!
Lucky Name Numerology enables you to achieve what ever you want. Name, fame, wealth, women and success are all attainable by this Science of Luck! Make your lucky numbers work for you and achieve success!
You may think that numbers have no relevance except for mathematics. Not so. If it is, why many famous people consider some numbers as lucky? These numbers made them successful in their business and daily life.
When you analyze the lives of film super stars, business tycoons, famous personalities and politicians, you find that they were all blessed with lucky names, defined by Lucky Numbers according to lucky name numerology.
You hear that they believed and used lucky numbers in their daily lives. They changed their names as per lucky numbers. Before these changes, they were very ordinary. Name change alone made them successful!
Your body and mind function by bioenergetics vibrations.
If your name has anti vibrations to your body and mind,
that name will make you sick, inefficient and make you fail.
Name Comaptibility Guarantees Your Success!
If you really believe that numerology can take you from rags to
riches, you do not mind spending a small fee for your advice.
It was Cheiro who declared that Numerology Calculation for names was done
first in India for giving new names to ascetic disciples. He visited India often and
learnt the secrets of numerology from the Indian Sages.
He popularized Numerology. He proved to the world with verifiable research
that name numerology played a major role in shaping your character and
deciding your fortune.
Cheiro is my Guru
The sum total of a name denotes whether that number is favourable or not for the person.
Since date of birth cannot be changed, adding or deleting of alphabets is the only way to
achieve harmony among these 2 sets of numbers. Once changed, new spelling could invoke
better vibrations & bring good luck success & happiness.
Numerology – Is your name lucky?
It`s all in the name! A lucky name spelling can make you successful whereas an unlucky
one can mar your efficiency and fill your life with miseries. Know whether your name is
lucky and what your name spelling has in store for you.
A fortunate name allows your life to flow much more
effortlessly and without resistance while you reach
your goals quickly and have support from events and
people around you. A challenging name attracts
obstacles and slows down the process.
So, the first step for anyone is always to check your
current name and make sure it is a fortunate spelling.
If we change spelling & use
our Lucky Numbers then we
are ruled by planets which
are Lucky for us.
So they change our destiny.
The frequency your current name emits will either
Activate your birth numbers positively or negatively.
To create happy outcomes and feel supported at all
times for the rest of your life, make sure that your
current name resonates to a Positive number.
If we change spelling & use
our lucky numbers then we
are ruled by planets which
are lucky for us.
So they change our destiny.
Numbers forecast the trends and themes
in your life right now.
Numbers help you plan events at certain
times that are more supportive of your
goals than other times.
Being aware of your lucky numbers,
colours,stones,days is a powerful tool.
You can literally make your goals happen
quicker and easier by applying numbers in
a positive way.
Having a fortunate current name is one
great way to create positive change.
Contact me on 9425092415 for your Lucky
Colours, Lucky Days, Change in spelling &
unlock the secret of happiness & success
in your life.
Minor change in your name can turn your
bad luck into good luck.