Spread white or light colored sheets, with flowery designs on it. For people looking forward to marriage, pink or red colored sheets are favorable.
Wearing red color brings back the lost love in your life and stimulates the sexual life as well.
Positive energy flows when you keep such objects and furniture in your room, which symbolize love. For instance, you can keep a heart-shaped clock or a red colored couch in your room.
• Try and surround yourself with magnificent love colors, like orange, purple, red and pink.
• Always keep fresh flowers in the room. You can also keep fruits like pomegranates, which are a symbol of fertility, in the room.
• For couples facing marital disharmony, using a double bed, with a 'single' mattress, is a good option. Too many mattresses increase the chances of conflicts and arguments. You can even stitch up the seams of two mattresses, to make them appear as one.