Here is the technique for changing your attitude towards a past event that was disturbing to you and that may be having an effect on your present health.

Here is the technique for changing your attitude towards a
past event that was disturbing to you and that may be having an
effect on your present health.
First of all, to verify this technique is working; consider the
past disturbing event now, along with any people or person
involved. If you would like to change your attitude towards this
event or person, give it a number before you use the technique.
From 1 to 10 ten being the worst, what number would you assign
to the thought of that disturbing event?
Say that the event happened long ago and you remember a
relative not allowing you to leave the house for some reason. At
the time of this event you were eight years old and you hated the
relative for not allowing you to leave the house.
Now imagine a replacement scene. Build an image in your
mind of the time of the event you are going to replace. Say that the
replacement scene is your relative allowing you to leave the house,
giving you some money to spend, and sending you off with good
feelings and lots of love and attention. Here’s the technique.
1. Imagine the two scenes.
2. Visualize the bad scene and behind it imagine the
good scene, the replacement scene.
3. With the bad scene still in front, mentally reach a
hand through the scene, grab the replacement scene
and pull it through the bad scene. Now the
replacement scene is in front and is the primary
4. Allow the bad scene to diminish in size until it is
the size of a peanut and then just mentally flick it
5. Now concentrate on the replacement scene.
Concentrate on the beneficial aspects of the
replacement scene. Make the scene vivid. Enhance
the color; build up the sound, imagine you are part
of the scene. Make it three dimensional. Make the
replacement scene larger, as large as you are able.
Whenever you think about the event or person,
think about the replacement scene.
Now then, this thing that happened in the past—think about
it now and on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst, where is it on
the scale? If it has diminished you have indeed replaced the bad
scene with one of your choosing.
Everything that has happened is no longer an event. It is
alive and well only in your memory. The event no longer exists,
except in your memory. You can control your memory. If indeed,
as many believe, that past events affect your health and well being
then the answer is in the control of how you remember the past
event. Simply change your memory of the event in the manner just
described. Think about the event, then behind the thought of that
event build a positive replacement event and pull it through the
memory event and simply remember the replacement event. This
technique is a wonderful resource for getting rid of many of the
causes of ill health.
With the holiday season soon coming lets set our sights on the positive events in our lives. Do recall my definition of love: Love is a positive viewpoint. Start seeing the positive aspects of other people and events in general.
And enjoy the day