Detective Byomkesh Bakshi Falls Badly On Monday

Detective Byomkesh Bakshi Falls Badly On Monday
As predicted by me in my you tube video that title adds to 80 (8) shani saturn which is unlucky hence movie will flop.

‪#‎DetectiveByomkeshBakshy‬ fell badly on Monday. The film had to gross over 2 crore nett at least on Monday to have some sirt of respectable final total but has no chance now. The approx first four day business of Detective Byomkesh Bakshy is as follows.
Friday – 4,25,00,000
Saturday – 4,50,00,000
Sunday – 5,50,00,000
Monday – 1,50,00,000 apprx
TOTAL – 15,75,00,000
The film will probably close the week out out at around 19 crore nett and will not make much thereafter and may not even reach the 23 crore nett business of Shanghai.