Ireland beat formidable West Indies! Green again causes a Big Upset in a World Cup.

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Ireland beat formidable West Indies! Green again causes a Big Upset in a World Cup. Last time Ireland routed Pakistan; we were out of World Cup once because of Bangladesh (Green). West Indies were out of Cup once because of Kenya (Green). Green represents Mercury that's inconsistent. No wonder then South Africa are called 'Chokers', they reach to the top to suddenly slip down. Just like Mercury in a thermometer.

15/2 was Lucky for India as well as Big B (Libra Ruler-6, Venus) His Tweets- @SrBachchan: T 1770 -YEEEAAAAHHHHH ! India wins .. my second prediction came true too .. is it got something to do with the date 15th Feb !!! A historic date for me .. on this date 46 years ago in 1969, I signed my 1st film to join the Film Industry ..'