My dad guruji gobind sharma coming to delhi from 6th to 8th nov. hotel gautam residency GK 1.Interested people can meet him. +91 9302230415. Post author:Ved Post published:November 6, 2014 Post category:Guruji / Guruji's visit to Delhi My dad guruji gobind sharma coming to delhi from 6th to 8th nov. hotel gautam residency GK 1.Interested people can meet him. +91 9302230415. You Might Also Like Guruji Gobind Sharma On Dhan Teras & Diwali Shayris | Remedies October 31, 2016 Samasya Se Pehle Samadhan By Guruji Gobind Sharma & Vedant Sharmaa May 15, 2014 Guruji Gobind Sharma On Poornima Some Useful Remedies & Great Shayris On Chand February 23, 2016