Birthday prediction for VIVEK OBEROI Vivek was born on 3rd September 1976 which makes him a Number 3

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Birthday prediction for VIVEK OBEROI

Vivek was born on 3rd September 1976 which makes him a Number 3 (Jupiter) person in numerology also ruled by Number 5 (Mercury – Virgo) while his destiny number adds up to Number 8 (Saturn).

Vivek’s biggest deterrent in life has been the spelling of his name which adds up to Number 44 indicating grave warnings for the future, speculation, bad advice etc. No wonder he has gone through a lot and is still facing the brunt of some of it. He should ideally spell his name as ‘VIVEIK SURESH OBEROI’ for it to vibrate on an auspicious number.
Vivek will now be entering in his lucky 39th(3) year which indicates the continuation of a much better phase ahead of him.
His next release ‘Bank Chor’; will prove to be a decent entertainer; but it will be ‘Mumbai Saga’, directed by Sanjay Gupta which will bring him back in the spotlight.
Wearing a Blue Sapphire on his middle finger on a Saturday (exactly two hours and forty minutes before sunset) will help him rejuvenate his life completely be it mind, body or soul. Most importantly, he will be able to scale the ladder of success much faster and make up for the lost time