Happy Birthday to Lord Ganesha the Remover of Obstacles. A Small Story in Short on Why He is Remover of Obstacles-


Happy Birthday to Lord Ganesha the Remover of Obstacles.
A Small Story in Short on Why He is Remover of Obstacles- 
All Devi Devatas were getting married While Nobody was ready to get married to Lord Ganeshji due to his Elephantine Looks. Our Ganesh ji got angered due to this and decided to create problems for all Devi devetas who were making fun of Him. He asked all Mice and Rats to make burrows in path of all those getting married so that it made it impossible for them to tread the path thus making it impossible for them to move without falling in one pothole or the other. All gods rushed to Brahmaji who approached Ganesh ji who became adamant that unless and until He is also married He would not let anyone get married either Brahmaji then created two lovely maidens Riddhi and Siddhi (Success and prosperity) and gave them in marriage to Ganesha. He did the Kanyadaan. Thereafter Ganesh ji stopped the rats from creating havoc and gave them the honour of becoming His Vaahan. He thus won the name of Vigneshwara ….