Birthday prediction for SONAKSHI SINHA
Sona (as she is fondly called) was born on 2nd June 1987 which makes her a Number 2 (Moon) person in numerology. Since she is ruled by Number 2, she is automatically ruled by Number 7 (Ketu) as these two numbers always go hand in hand. Being a Gemini by her sun sign, she is also ruled by Number 5 (Mercury) while her destiny number adds up to Number 6 (Venus).
Being a Number 2, Sonakshi is creative, moody, intuitive and sensitive at the same time. Thanks to the ‘mercurial’ effect, she got instant success right from her debut film and soon thereafter was signed up for various endorsement deals, big banner films etc. as Number 5 is known to give fast results. Being also ruled by Number 6, she has a charming face and a lovable personality.
Sonakshi will now be entering in her luckiest 28th(1) year which indicates much better times ahead of her – be it on a personal, professional or the health front.
Her immediate release ‘Holiday: A Soldier is Never Off Duty’ will do good business at the box office soon followed by ‘Action Jackson’ and then ‘Tevar’. Besides that, her performance in each one of these films will come in for much appreciation and praise from all quarters.
Her equation with alleged boyfriend Shahid Kapoor (25th February 1981) is a good one; and they should come out in the open before this year-end.
Wearing an Emerald on her little finger on a Wednesday morning (exactly two hours after sunrise) will help her have a much balanced life style.
Sona (as she is fondly called) was born on 2nd June 1987 which makes her a Number 2 (Moon) person in numerology. Since she is ruled by Number 2, she is automatically ruled by Number 7 (Ketu) as these two numbers always go hand in hand. Being a Gemini by her sun sign, she is also ruled by Number 5 (Mercury) while her destiny number adds up to Number 6 (Venus).
Being a Number 2, Sonakshi is creative, moody, intuitive and sensitive at the same time. Thanks to the ‘mercurial’ effect, she got instant success right from her debut film and soon thereafter was signed up for various endorsement deals, big banner films etc. as Number 5 is known to give fast results. Being also ruled by Number 6, she has a charming face and a lovable personality.
Sonakshi will now be entering in her luckiest 28th(1) year which indicates much better times ahead of her – be it on a personal, professional or the health front.
Her immediate release ‘Holiday: A Soldier is Never Off Duty’ will do good business at the box office soon followed by ‘Action Jackson’ and then ‘Tevar’. Besides that, her performance in each one of these films will come in for much appreciation and praise from all quarters.
Her equation with alleged boyfriend Shahid Kapoor (25th February 1981) is a good one; and they should come out in the open before this year-end.
Wearing an Emerald on her little finger on a Wednesday morning (exactly two hours after sunrise) will help her have a much balanced life style.