October 26, 1978 (age 35 years) Suzanne Roshan, Hritik Roshan Date of birth,Born: January 10, 1974 (age 39)

October 26, 1978 (age 35 years) Suzanne Roshan, Hritik Roshan Date of birth,Born: January 10, 1974 (age 39), Mumbai………….COMBINATION 1 & 8. Number 8 Numerology Compatibility with Number 1 Number 8 is for Saturn and number 1 is for Sun. This combination gets involved in passionate and intense love affair because both are strong, immovable, determined and both will stand on their own ground either it is right or wrong. This combination is a perfect relationship of love and hate. Due to the adamant and egoistic nature of both the numbers sometimes conflicts can arise. Compromise is the key to a peaceful life.