My delhi trip was exceptional.Met president of India Pranab Mukherji at president house

My delhi trip was exceptional.Met president of India Pranab Mukherji at president house.

Met abhinav bhattacharya ADC to the president of India.

Met Pradyut Guha additional private secretary to the president.

Met PJ Kurien deputy chairman rajya sabha.

Met narendra chauhan ambassador of Belgrade.

Met pawan kumar bansal ex railway minister.told him not to write Pawan K. Bansal (he was writing from 1 & half years) adds to very unlucky no.38 of failures & disappointment.
They all became my clients.met LG Khanna he is no.8 told him u will retire on 8.attended his farewall party on 8th july which was his last working day.he was governor for the longest term.very nice person did spiritual talks with him.
met many art of living members who became clients.
I am deeply touched by the love & affection shown by my clients & friends.many clients invited me for dinner.but only in 2 days I couldn't oblige all.I am grateful to all of u.may be next time.wooohooo.